These courses support students with the CILS certification and provides a thorough preparation with regard to the different skills required by the exam itself. The exam is divided into 4 main sections to assess the four fundamental language abilities (writing, reading, speaking and listening), which are evaluated and scored independently. This certification provides different competence levels in the language: A1-A2 (basic learner), B1-B2 (independent learner, central), C1-C2 (competent learner), A2 integrazione (permit of stay), B1 cittadinanza (Italian citizenship).
Certificate of Italian as a Foreign Language (CILS) certificate program
Certificate of Italian as a Foreign Language (CILS) certificate program
200,000 AMD
Application requirements are the following:
B1 or B2 Italian / English language knowledge depending on the major subject of the studies.
Price for group courses cost: 5 weeks program is € 325
6 weeks program is € 390
4 weeks program is € 260
Price for individual courses cost: 15 lessons € 600 and 20 lessons € 800
Scholarships are not available.